
14 Days With You

Package name 14 Days With You
Version 4.0
Size 125 MB
Requirements 5.6
Download links

APK File Request?

How to Install 14 Days With You APK on Your Device

1. Download the 14 Days With You ZIP File
Begin by downloading the 14 Days With You APK ZIP file directly from APKXEC.COM.

2. Install Split APKs Installer
Get the Split APKs Installer app from the Google Play Store to handle multiple APKs and ensure a smooth installation.

3. Open the Split APKs Installer
Launch the app and tap the “Install APKs” button to start the process.

4. Locate the ZIP File
Navigate to the folder where you saved the 14 Days With You ZIP file and select it for installation.

5. Complete the Installation
Follow the on-screen instructions to finish installing the APKs on your device.